Border's Acutes


Individual perspective
Individual perspective
Social perspective
Social perspective
Religious perspective
Physiological-anatomical universe
Psychological universe
Social universe and cultural institutions
Communication universe
Spiritual universe
Definition of border
Membranes define bodies
Self or non-self - mine or not mine, defined by sense and thought
Identification of the person, family, or organization, according to role, function, and objective
Current network communications
Social awareness and conscience programs
External borders
Skin, hair
Intellect and external aspect: recognition of laws that regulate borders
Obligations, responsibilities and domain of activity
Receiving and transmission functions
Expanding intellectual horizons and exalting thoughts from the darkness of selfishness
Internal borders
Affinity and emotions are internal aspects
Specialization of functions within the organization
Estimation Function
Reward for every virtue and punishment for each habit. Greatness of spiritual pleasures
Structure of borders
Extensible, expandable, flexible, semi-flexible tissue
Imaginary - present only in terms of sense and confidence
Placement defined by rights, laws, and legal provisions
Imaginary line in the trajectory between the receiver and broadcasters on the one hand and the estimator on the other
Different religions that focus on the human soul in regards to the Creator
Opening of borders
Mouth, sensory organs, skin pores
Adaptable person capable of changing performance; being receptive and open
Birth, marriage, death, right to have a religion
Points where the information enters or exits from the recipient, the estimator or the broadcaster
Knowing oneself; self-affirmation; recognition of personal inner values; self-discovery
Filter and selected exchange
Sense bodies
Inhibition, maximization, minimization, personal bias
Society choice; specialized trade; social discrimination
Selection of language, topics and channels of communication
Good and evil; the rules of the soul and the mind
Transactions in places other than the entry ones
Corruptable ego; mental reserve
Illegal transactions; adultery; corruption
Unintentional, often non-oral communication
Offense to human nature
Changes in the location of borders
If occurs, minor
The image of oneself may change; ideas of greatness or depression can change the psychological limit
Birth, marriage, death, adoption shows the emergence of new borders
Changes in the location of the recipient, the transmitter and the estimator
Sacrifice, mutual forgiveness, self-denial, tolerance as the basis of cooperation in social life
Combination of borders
Border tissues; vascular support of the organs
Conflict between ego and superego or ego and identity; ambivalent
Couple Relationship -pregnancy Quality of the community
Overlapping functions: the individual that changes from receiver to transmitter or estimator
Virtue and value: to love yourself and the others; spiritual grandiosity
Borders maintenance
Metabolism, regeneration
Protection mechanisms
Public employees; government agencies; armed forces
Metabolic maintenance and expenditures through exchange of information
Eternal and sublime love; Love for the divine Creator
Border development
The moment from conception to the sixth month and then only proportional expansion
Identification and interiorization determine oneself
Building empires; Sales campaigns
Growth and weight in the network
Your own perfection as a divine mission
The function of the border
Keep all organs united; keep the body temperature; acts as a protective layer
Having self-respect
Keep families, groups and nations united; Preserves the tradition
Keep together all system communications as well as component parts
Spiritual values are food for the soul and determine the unique human nature
Irreparable changes and destruction of borders
Burns on 1/3 of the skin's surface causes death
Damaging self-esteem; brain drainage
War, fire, flood, departure, migration
Intentional or forceful interruption of the communication system due to death, war or obsolescence
Divine punishment

Source: Lame, A (2005) PhD Thesis “Cross-Border Co-operation as an Instrument for the Prevention of Border’s Conflicts”, University of Trieste, Italy